About Jan

Jan likes to explore life and all its richness with playful curiosity. Decade spent abroad on the road and self-exploratory healing process he has been through made him able to treat the reality with his very particular wisdom. After traveling and performing as circus artist he has undergone intensive training in physical theater with Nicoletta Dahlke growing deep interest in the human body in relation to movement and its expression. During that period he starts to develop in somatic practices and the Contact Improvisation (a free form of dance developed by Steve Paxton and company). Later on, he spend a year in the atelier of Performance Art at KASK where he got in touch with visual arts/conceptual art. In most recent years he decides to focus fully on therapeutic work descending from bodywork modalities, Feldenkrais method, Ilan Lev method, body psychotherapy and tantric teachings.

The ancient of Villaflor

Hundreads of thousands days full of Memories
Standing almost still whilst the Rest is circling